3 Tips For Getting A Quick Divorce

Getting married is a milestone event for many people. While most couples plan on staying together for the long haul, sometimes life gets in the way. Whether it's due to growing apart with time, infidelity, or just not agreeing on a multitude of life issues, divorce is something that many couples end up seeking out. Around 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the US end up getting divorced. While you may think of divorce as being a long and drawn out process, it doesn't have to be. Here are three tips for a getting your divorce finalized as soon as possible.

Consider An Uncontested Divorce

One of the best ways to ensure that your divorce is finalized as soon as possible is by filing an uncontested divorce. With an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse agree on the terms of divorce before starting the process. This means that you agree on things like division of property and other marital assets, child support and custody, spousal support, division of debt, and more. Agreeing on these things beforehand will ensure that the divorce moves forward as quickly as possible. Many states also allow you to file for a no-fault divorce which also tends to be quicker since you do not have to prove that there is a reason for the divorce.

Know The Laws In Your State

Another way to divorce as quickly as possible is by being familiar with the laws in your state. When it comes to laws regarding divorce, each state is different. Some allow you to be divorced within weeks while others require waiting periods of over a year before the divorce is finalized. Each state also has different residency requirements when it comes to divorce. You want to make sure that you are able to file for divorce in your state and that you meet the residency requirements.

Hire A Lawyer

Even with a straightforward divorce, filling out paperwork and getting things in order can be a challenge. Navigating through state divorce laws can also be a hassle. Hiring a divorce lawyer can help. Divorce lawyers are a great option for those who want their divorce to finalized quickly. They can ensure that the paperwork is filled out correctly and filed on time. They can also help you navigate through any snags that may pop up during the divorce process. The average cost of a divorce layer is between $150 and $350 per hour

When it comes to getting a divorce, chances are that you want it over with as soon as possible. Filling for an uncontested divorce, being familiar with your state's divorce laws, and hiring a divorce lawyer can help get your divorced finalized faster. To learn more, contact a law firm like Scott & Scott, PC
